Book Review: The Typo

Basic info: The Typo

Author: Emily Kerr

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Publication date: May 3, 2024

Edition I read: eBook

Pages: 384

My rating: 3.75/5

Goodreads link:

Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the ARC!

"A celebration of a connection made through words alone across thousands of miles"

Not your typical romance novel, but it's still worth reading. You'll find more about being brave, standing up for yourself and chasing your dreams than romance. But it's written well and is an easy read.

Relatable if you're in your late 30s

The situation that Amy finds herself in is very relatable if you're in your late twenties or early thirties: making friends getting harder, keeping in touch with old friends even more so. Especially when on top of aligning busy schedules being difficult, you feel like you're always the one reaching out and putting in more effort.

And it wasn't just the situation itself being relatable but the writing made it so easy to put myself in Amy's shoes. When she went to the bar with Meg, Jodie, and Cass, I was heartbroken for her -and so mad at her so-called friends I could have punched them, were they real people.

The connection between Amy and Cameron

I also loved the vibes between Amy and Cameron. Their emails started out feeling like streams of consciousness with almost no filter which was quirky and interesting to read.

Then they turned into messages of almost-friends as they started getting interested in the other as a person and it was so fun to read.

I was just feeling a little bit frustrated with Amy faking being a musician as Cameron felt like the person who'd understand her reality and wouldn't be put off by it. And I was hoping all this faking would inspire Amy to pick up her violin again at least.

Amy 2.0

I was so so glad when she did. Although it took her getting wrapped up in bigger white lies to do it, her turn to Amy 2.0 as she said and making her become a reality made me feel proud of her. And relieved that this was the direction in which the book was going.

I loved that she decided to stop being a pushover and said no to the membership in the orchestra and how she not only regained her self confidence but also her social life. Her friendly affection towards Malcolm and Harry and her side quest to make them friends was especially heart warming. I loved seeing her character really come alive.

Sometimes it was just a little frustrating...

At the same time I was confused how she can be so great one moment yet still be stuck in the "Cameron knows the fake Amy and will not like me for myself" mindset. It just felt so silly it was getting frustrating and I was so glad when she finally gathered the courage and confessed in email. Also appreciated her attempt to call him first to tell him that way.

I did feel like she overreacted his email though. It was obviously a very different tone and length to his other letters and could be read as a little concerning... But this whole "I suddenly don't care about him anymore" spiel she did was a tad too much for me. Found myself rolling my eyes at her again.

After all that her sudden change of heart in the end almost made no sense. Or made it feel like she was so fake and overly dramatic before.

Thoughts about The Typo overall

Overall I thought it was an interesting book that was easy to read. I enjoyed the emails of Amy and Cameron and the little adventure of Amy's to make the Cellar Bar opening happen.

I was a little disappointed in the romance aspect though. I felt like the book focused too much on Amy's character development and not their romance at all.